The Bible: still relevant today?

Many people complain that the Bible is an outdated book which is irrelevant today. It may well have importance because of its contribution to our literary heritage or how it has shaped culture, but they do not feel it has any day-to-day significance that can influence...

Introduction to 1 Corinthians

Garry gave an introduction to 1 Corinthians last night, which we will be studying in detail over the next few months (where ‘few’ probably means ‘many’ and ‘months’ may well turn to ‘years’!) As an introduction, we...

Prayer: vocatives and imperatives

Prayer was never intended to be an abstract occupation, but is the most personal way we relate to God. In Luke 11:1-13, Jesus’s disciples come to Him asking to be taught how to pray. The prayer He teaches them (the ‘Lord’s Prayer’) is addressed...