A God-shaped hole

Augustine, famous theologian and North African bishop (354-430), said “Because God has made us for Himself, our hearts are restless until they rest in Him.” Last night’s family service looked at this theme, talking about the ‘God-shaped hole’ that is...

The Dream Gets Slam-Dunked

Mark continued his series on Joseph’s dream this morning, looking at Genesis 39:1-23. In this chapter, we see Joseph working for Potiphar and receiving God’s blessing in such measure that this spilled over to the whole of Potiphar’s life. God’s...

Living like Jesus lived

Tonight’s Bible study continued looking at the ‘moral test’ John gives for discerning if we are true disciples: in 1 John 2:3-6 we read how our obedience to keeping God’s commands really reflects our love for Him. We can be sure...

Thriving in God

Casting Crowns’ new album ‘Thrive’ was released this week. As with so many of my favourite groups, this is a much anticipated event: many of their songs dig deep into God’s Word and they are not afraid to tackle issues that are often not spoken...

February prayer – outreach

We continue to believe that prayer fuels every activity of the church and that without God’s Spirit breathing life into every activity, nothing of lasting value will be achieved. Throughout February, we will be praying in particular for outreach: the outreaches...