Standing Tall

I am not tall. For a very brief period in my history, I was tall: when I left primary school, I was one of the tallest in my class, being about five feet tall. My father (whose side of the family were all tall) had high hopes that I would follow in their footsteps. It...

Speak what is true

For me, coming to terms with the fact that the worldview all around me is false and opposed to what God says is true has not been an easy journey. It is often so much easier to ‘go with the flow’ and listen to the majority view. Simply because it is the...


I have had the privilege of spending time with people who are dying or who have recently been bereaved in the past few weeks, and this inevitably focuses thoughts on the reality of heaven and what awaits those who have surrendered their lives to Christ (and what...

Another February birthday

Last night, we also had a birthday to celebrate: Tony informs us he will be 8 on Friday, but we will leave you to ponder on the (simple) mathematics behind his reasoning. A clue can be found in the fact that his son will also be 8 next month…