Prayer topic for August

In praying for our political leaders and for organisations working within the political framework in our country, we have in our hands a powerful weapon. One of the topics on the prayer list is the ‘hot potato’ of the ‘Gay Marriage...

The Cross and the Crown

Dave spoke this morning on Luke 20:20-26 TNIV, focussing on the question as to what the Christian response to the government of our country should be. Since this is the prayer topic for August, it’s important to think about such issues, since often we feel very...

Further adventures of Igor

Here are some more of Igor’s holiday photos:Igor in the ford at Glen Roy: On his evening constitutional: Igor travelling in style on the mountain railway to the highest point on the Isle of Man, Snaefell: You can’t see the seven kingdoms today! It’s...


Igor has been on holiday and he has had a really good time! To get us into the spirit of things for tonight’s family service, looking at the topic of holidays under the theme ‘Home and Away’, Igor has been exploring ‘away’ places on the...

Keeping on mission

It’s always interesting to me to find out what has been preached at home while I’ve been on holiday and to think about what has been preached at the church I visited. There is a remarkable similarity of content which I find reassuring!Last Sunday we were...