God is for us!

There is a statement made in the book ‘Epiphanies of the Ordinary’ with which I wholeheartedly agree: “I try to live each day with a sense of the unrelenting benevolence of God for me and for my house… It is a choice we can make to accept that...

My anchor holds

Thinking of boats inevitably led me to think of anchors!”We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” (Hebrews 6:19 TNIV)’It’s a soul anchor,Hold onto the hope.It’s a soul anchorJust hold onto your courage.Before we...

Boats and other random thoughts

When you visit a small island for a holiday, you inevitably think about boats.We sailed to the Isle of Man on a catamaran: Whilst we were at Liverpool waiting to board the ship, we saw first-hand just how enormous a cruise ship (Caribbean Princess) is. We were stunned...

Mighty Fortress

It’s hard to pick a favourite song from a new album packed with favourites. Songs often speak into our lives at different times. Sometimes we need upbeat rhythms and bouncy melodies; at others, we need slower rhythms and gentle melodies. Sometimes we need lyrics...

A friend for Igor

Last month when we were in Oxford, Igor met some wooden friends: As far as I was concerned, that was the end of it. But today, an unexpected parcel arrived in the post, a ‘thank you’ present from our friend for the Oxford trip, providing a new friend for...