Proverbs 11

Still on the mixture of themes in these adages…. looking again at how we fit into society (and how right living really does make a difference to our society) and what really matters in life. Today’s thoughts come from Proverbs 11: “A thick bankroll is no help when...

Proverbs 10

Proverbs 10 marks a change in style, with this being the start of ‘the wise sayings of Solomon’. A proverb is ‘a short pithy saying in general use, stating a general truth or piece of advice’ and here we have a whole host of punchy sayings that convey simple...

Proverbs 9

The cinematic nature of Proverbs recurs in Proverbs 9, with Lady Wisdom seen inviting us to a wonderful banquet and Madame Whore (or Folly) also on the scene again. This chapter contains perhaps one of the most famous one-line proverbs in the whole book: “The fear of...

Jeremiah 29

Since 1790, the US President has given a ‘State of the Union’ speech each year, usually in January. Last night, Dave gave us his ‘annual review’, looking again at Jeremiah 29:11-13. This is a passage God has repeatedly brought to mind over the...

Living Water

Mark preached on the topic of Living Water this morning. In our country, we often take water for granted – it’s available from the tap; we can bathe or shower whenever we like. But if for any reason we have no water, we realise immediately the problem we...