Since 1790, the US President has given a ‘State of the Union’ speech each year, usually in January. Last night, Dave gave us his ‘annual review’, looking again at Jeremiah 29:11-13. This is a passage God has repeatedly brought to mind over the past few years. He preached from it in April 2006, looking at the thought ‘when the time is right, God will fulfil His promises to us.’ Through that period of faithful waiting and praying, growth happened. In late 2007, the message he brought was ‘are we serving God in our own generation?’, looking at outreach into the local community. By 2009 the church had seen numerical growth, to the point where we were outgrowing the building in Beever Street.
God’s plans have indeed been to prosper us and not to harm us. We have a new building in a more central location and God provided the money to purchase and refurbish that building. We have known God’s prospering – the word ‘Shalom’ means peace, being safe, comfortable, happy, in a state of well-being. On 6 June 2010 the church held its first service in Market Street and throughoug 2011 we have seen ongoing work in the building (both main halls have been redecorated, with new windows and blinds purchased) and this past year the drains have been replaced and the car park resurfaced. The building on Beever Street was sold in late 2011. Community outreach has continued, with new groups being added (Slimming World, Alzheimer’s Society, a meeting for the autistic and Zumba classes are held in the community hall, in addition to the youth work, Mums & Toddlers and coffee mornings run by the church.) Moreover, the prophecy brought by Joan from Isaiah 43:5-8 has also started to be fulfilled, with families coming from different areas.
Nonetheless, Dave warned that there is danger for churches if they become too comfortable. Rev 3:15-16 remind us that there is great danger in being lukewarm and in taking our eyes off God. We are engaged in spiritual warfare and need to be vigilant to maintain our spiritual walk before the Lord, as Mark reminded us this morning. Our part is to seek the Lord: “you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jer 29:13). The midweek prayer meetings and Bible studies are, in general, poorly attended, and we ought to realise the importance of these meetings. We should also be coveting spiritual gifts and the voice of God speaking clearly in our meetings. As William Carey said, our attitutde should be “expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God.” We have a part to play in the work God is doing here and we need to be dedicated and committed to seeing His promises fulfilled in the local church.