An enemy of spirituality

I am currently reading a book by Eugene Peterson (no surprise there, huh?!) called ‘Subversive Spirituality’. I read it a little bit at a time (unlike my normal method of reading, which is to devour a book hungrily in one sitting, aiming for the world...

Rich and poor

Dave continued the Bible study on James last night, looking at James 1:9-12. This discussion on the brother in humble circumstances and the rich must not be taken out of the context of James’s words on enduring through trials and persevering in times of testing....

Called to help

God has given all kinds of gifts to the church. You can read about these in Romans 12 and in 1 Corinthians 12. Mingled with all the spectacular gifts (of healings, prophecies, words of wisdom and discernment of spirits, for example) are others which seem, frankly,...

Receiving the present

On Pentecost Sunday, Garry spoke about ‘receiving the present’, looking at Matthew 6:25-34. The ‘present’ he was talking about was not the gift of the Holy Spirit per se, however, but the gift of today, the gift of living in the now, with an...

Foolishness and weakness

Stephen preached from 1 Cor 1:25-31 this morning, focussing especially on vs 25, which seems to have been a recurring theme lately: “for the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength.”He has...