Romans 15 (part 2)

Last night’s Bible study looked at Romans 1:5-13. This continues the idea that God gives endurance and encouragement and that when we have the same attitude as Christ (see Philippians 2), we grow in unity and where there is unity, God commands the blessing (Ps...

Why worry? God’s in charge!

Mark preached from Daniel 6 last night, looking at the theme ‘Why worry? God’s in charge!’ The story of Daniel in the lions’ den, much loved by children in Sunday School, is far more than the story of what happened to Daniel. It teaches us...

Forget not all His benefits

We started the sermon this morning by looking at photos from unusual angles. Can you guess what it is?!The answers are:1) spaghetti (taken from above)2) a chair (taken from below)3) a kebab skewer (just for Mark!)How we view life largely depends on our perspective and...

27 Million

Micah 6:8 is probably the most famous verse in that book. “He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” The verse clearly shows us that our faith in God has...

Already There

God is above all, omniscient, omnipresent, eternal. He doesn’t dwell in time. These are big concepts for us to grasp, especially when we’re in the middle of things. Our perspective (more on that this Sunday!) is limited. But it’s tremendously...