A second birthday?

Except for God (who is without beginning or end), everyone has a birthday. We might all have different ideas of what the best age is or debate what ‘age’ we think we might have in heaven, but birthdays are common experiences to us all and the date of our...

Family Service – Birthdays

The family service tonight took as its theme ‘Birthdays’ and the quiz asked us to match up a set of birthdays to famous people who were pictured. How would you do? Do you know when these people were born?(1) Joan of Arc(2) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart(3)...

Walking through the Psalms

Stephen preached from Psalm 31:14-15 this morning, timely verses for us all.But I trust in You, O Lord.Where do we put our trust? It’s so easy to trust in things (relying on the alarm clock to get us up, relying on that cup of tea to get us going in the morning,...

Difficult Decisions

I invigilated an English GCSE exam today, where one of the writing questions was to describe a difficult decision you had made and the consequences of that decision.I sat and thought of all the difficult decisions I have made or friends of mine have had to make and...


Perhaps this is something that women do more than men, but it’s all too easy to spend far too much comparing ourselves to other people… and generally ending up feeling depressed by the comparisons. Despite the fact we know we are all individuals and...