Mark spoke from Dan 3:1-30 tonight, looking at how Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego coped with the fiery furnace. The story is from Israel’s captivity history, when they had been carried off to Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar, whose golden image (90 feet tall by 9 feet wide) was a symbol of all that was anti-God. Other rulers who were jealous of the favour shown to these Israelite men wanted to get rid of them and therefore pointed out to the king that they were refusing to bow down and worship this image. The king apparently gave them a second chance, but clearly thought no god was able to rescue them from his hand. Their response (Dan 3:16-18) demonstrated their faith, assuring the king that their God was able to deliver them from the fire, but even if He chose not, they would still not compromise their faith and worship a false god.

God’s ability to keep His people even through trials is demonstrated by the fact that three bound men were thrown into the fire, but Nebuchadnezzar saw four men walking in the fire, unbound. The fire had no power on their bodies. Despite the fact that Satan wants to cause havoc in the lives of God’s children, his power is not unlimited; God is able to deliver and rescue us from all trials.

This story shows good triumphing over evil and God bringing blessing even through adversity. We can take encouragement from this story, for we know that even if we feel we are going through the fires of trial at the moment:

1. God is there with us

2. He is able to save and deliver

3. He is able to bring blessing even through trials

4. The outcome is secure, for God will always triumph!

We concluded the service with a song specially written for the service by Garry & Stephen.

‘Meshach, Shadrach, Abednego,

Bow down or in the fire you’ll go.

The flames will burn and then we’ll see

Just how toasted you can be…’