Stephen spoke tonight on the subject of wisdom. Ps 111:10 tells us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. For most of us, we associate wisdom with age, experience and understanding, but there is a huge difference between natural wisdom (often based on philosophical, cultural, scientific and architectural achievements) and spiritual wisdom. God’s wisdom can be hidden from the naturally wise and learned and revealed to little children (Luke 10:21); Paul makes it clear that man’s way of doing things is vastly different to God’s, most clearly seen at the cross (1 Cor 1:17-25, 1 Cor 2:6-7).

Man’s wisdom should not be our ultimate destination in the wisdom stakes. We should aspire to God’s wisdom, not earthly wisdom. God’s wisdom will always be for His glory and splendour and those who follow His precepts will have good understanding. Man’s own resourcefulness and self-sufficiency will ultimately lead to failure, but if we apply God’s plans and purposes to our lives, we will grow in spiritual wisdom and understanding.