Although our Parent & Toddler group doesn’t meet in the school holidays, we are involved in lots of things this summer.

Join us at the Picnics in the Park on Wednesday 31 July, 7 August and 28 August – no need to book, just bring a picnic and blanket and come along! There will be activities, games, face painting and free water, fruit and ice-creams for children, thanks to funding from the Dearne Ward Alliances and the Snap Tin Community Hub.

Come along to DCAF’s ‘Goldthorpe By The Sea’ family fun event on Monday 19 August between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. when there will be water and sand play, a bouncy castle, seaside crafts and games and a puppet theatre to keep us entertained. Tickets cost £3 per person (£10 for a family of up to 5 people) and all monies go towards keeping the Dearne Community Arts’ Festival free to attend. Booking essential; lunch provided..

Dearne Churches Together is hosting a ‘Think Resilient!’ session for 7-15 year olds led by Peer Educator Eva Roberts to help young people develop strategies for thinking positively and coping with emotional and mental stress on Wednesday 21 August between 11.30 a.m. and 1.30 p.m. Booking required; limited numbers available. Lunch provided.