I am a new creation

Dave spoke this morning from 2 Corinthians 5:17, a verse that reminds us of our identity, ‘new creations’ in Christ Jesus. It is easy to take our relationship with God for granted, but this verse reminds us of the tremendous change which takes place in our lives when God comes into our lives. Formerly, we were in Adam, following in his path of disobedience, but Christ gives us the opportunity (and power) to change.
The Old Testament cities of refuge provided protection and shelter; people were safe once they were in them. Similarly, we need to be ‘in’ Christ- abiding in the vine, as John 15 makes clear. We are dependent on Him. The Holy Spirit dwells in us and changes us completely. The old has gone and the new has come. Christ creates us anew; we are the work of God.
Our new nature means that we no longer have to live as we used to. There is a freshness and newness to life in Christ!

Mindful Moments (2)

Our second ‘Mindful Moments’ evening last Monday was another great opportunity to be involved in art and creativity, including writing. Our thanks to Pat Moore for her help in talking about writing and to all who attended.

Then You Will Know…

Dave spoke this evening from Exodus 6:1-9, focussing on the verse ‘Then you will know that I am the Lord your God.’ Often, the hardest questions we have to answer are those connnected to personal suffering. When we are ill, we wonder where God our healer is; when we suffer financial difficulties, we wonder where is the God who meets all our needs? When we feel we are stagnating, we question where the God who guides is; when we are depressed, we wonder where is the God who gives joy? Israel must have had many questions as to why God allowed them to suffer in Egypt for 430 years, but at the right time – a time known only to God – He sent Moses to ask Pharaoh to let His peopke go.
The people suffered; they saw God move in miraculous ways through the ten plagues on Egypt, but perhaps failed to understand that these plagues were intended to show the Egyptians who God really was. The Egyptians worshipped many gods, but ultimately none could do what the God of Israel did. God’s power was displayed for all to see.
The principle we see at work throughout the Bible is that in everything God does, His priority is that everyone knows He is the Lord; He alone will get the glory. God’s timing and purpose are not related to our ideas, but He works at the right time and for our ultimate good in everything. (Rom 8:28, Gal 4:4) Holding on to this truth in difficult times may not be easy, but we must learn, as Moses did, that He is the Lord our God.

Inner Strength

Mark Burgin spoke this morning from 2 Corinthians 4:7-9, 16-18, verses which remind us that God’s treasure is stored in earthen vessels (jars of clay.) How can people contain the power of God? It is a mystery, but God tells us that His Holy Spirit lives within us; He entrusts His treasure to our human frailty. We may often feel at the end of ourselves (hard-pressed, perplexed and so on), but actually there is a constraining power within us that enables us to carry on so that we are not crushed. We may feel we have no resources to meet the demands made upon us, but we need not despair because there is always hope in God. God’s power within us means we do not lose heart; we have spiritual sustenance.

The power of God is greater than any external power; it is a power that gives us hope even in trials (1 Pet 1:6). If we have hope, then we can slow down in our busy lives; there is no longer the same hurry to get everything done, because we realise not everything depends on us. Society is desperate to rest but dare not, feeling everything depends on us; God’s people, however, can rest in hope and can live in hope. Isaiah reminds us that hope does not disappoint us (Is 49:23) and therefore we have the inner strength to face whatever life may throw at us.

Easter Coffee Morning

We hope to organise a day trip for local families to Flamingo Land in July. In order to keep costs down for families, we are looking to raise money for the trip through different means. We are holding an Easter raffle at the Parent & Toddler group at the end of March (you can support by donating prizes for this or buying raffle tickets at £1 per strip) and are also hoping to raise money at our Easter coffee morning by having buns and cakes and also a table top sale.
Our Easter coffee morning will be on Saturday 8th April (NOT the first Saturday in the month) between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. and we are looking for donations of buns and cakes as well as any items in good quality which we can sell as a table top sale. It’s an opportunity to de-clutter your house and hopefully raise money for the summer outing at the same time!
Items can be brought in during our Parent & Toddler sessions on Wednesday and Friday mornings between 9 and 11 a.m.
Thank you in advance!

Coming This Week…

Sunday services today are at 10.30 a.m. (with Mark Burgin speaking) and at 6.00 p.m. (with Dave Wood speaking.) All welcome; Sunday school in both services.
Our Parent & Toddler group will meet on Wednesday and Friday mornings (9-11 a.m.)
Our prayer meeting will be on Thursday at 7.30 p.m.
The World Day of Prayer is on Friday 3rd March at Sacred Heart R.C. Church on Lockwood Road at 2.30 p.m.
Our monthly coffee morning is on the 1st Saturday each month, so we look forward to seeing you on Saturday 4th March between 10 a.m. and12 noon. Don’t forget we are having a cleaning and maintenance afternoon after this, so if you can pop in to help us with spring cleaning, that would be much appreciated.