Tonight’s family service looked at the topic of walls. It was quite an education in types of bricks and brick bonds!

Did you know, for example, about stretchers, headers and soldiers in brick terms?! These relate to the position of the bricks:

A soldier is a brick laid vertically with the long narrow side of the brick exposed; a stretcher is a a brick laid with its long narrow side exposed and a header is a brick laid flat with its width at the face of the wall.

soldier brick stretcher brick header brickThen there are all different kinds of bonds (how the bricks are joined together), such as Flemish bonds, English bonds, Sussex bonds and so on. The game we played involved looking at these different kinds of bonds and then trying to reproduce them using Lego bricks!

Photo0127Some people got carried away to be first to finish!

Photo0135The first prize was a Lego kit:

Photo0126… which was completed by the end of the evening!
