Dave spoke this morning from Luke 2:22-35, when the baby Jesus was presented at the temple. Simeon was waiting at the temple for the Messiah and declared that this was the Messiah he was holding in his arms. We know very little about the childhood of Jesus, and so this incident is of enormous significance to us.
Simeon was waiting for the fulfilment of God’s promise to him; Mary too had seen God’s promises fulfilled in the birth of this miracle baby. Waiting for the fulfilment of God’s promises is not easy, but He is faithful. He will fulfil all that He has promised to do and must never ignore when God speaks.
Mary treasured the things that she was told by Simeon and Anna as well as all she had witnessed, including the shepherds’ vsiit and then the visit from the Magi. We do well to ponder and treasure all that God has promised us and remain faithful to Him as we wait for His fulfilment.