We may only be jars of clay holding the all-surpassing power and treasure of God (2 Cor 4:7), but we need to understand the things that prevent us from receiving God’s living water.

Fear and worry can easily dominate our lives, causing us to fret rather than to trust God. Jesus reminded us not to worry (Matt 6:25), assuring us of God’s providence and provision. (Matt 6:25-34, John 14:1) We have to choose where we allow our thoughts to rest (see Phil 4:6-8). When we allow God’s peace to reign in our hearts, it’s like taking the lid off the bucket and having much more room for the water!

Doubt and indecision can stop us using the rope and bucket God has given us. It’s easier at times to believe the lies of the enemy than God and to allow inertia and fear of failure to have the last word. God wants us to press on – just do it! (see Col 3:17)

Wrong attitudes and sinful thoughts and actions corrode our buckets, allowing the water to leak out. Unforgiveness, anger, hatred, resentment, jealousy and pride can easily fill our lives, leaving no room for God’s living water. We have to take off the old self before we can put on the new. (Eph 4:22-24) We need to confess our sins and allow God’s cleansing power to purify us from all unrighteousness. (1 Jn 1:9)

Only as we come to God with an empty bucket and the rope of faith can we begin to draw water from the wells of salvation with joy. (Is 12:3)