Garry continued his series on the Holy Spirit this morning, looking at the work of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament. Initially, we looked at how the Holy Spirit was involved in creation (‘hovering over the earth’ in Genesis 1:2, or, as the Message version renders this verse, ‘brooded like a bird above the watery abyss’), especially in breathing life into man (Genesis 2:7 & Job 33:4).

God’s involvement in each human life is what sets us apart from animals. Life begins at conception, with God breathing spiritual life into each person, who is made in the image of God. God gives us life and He also ends life. Psalm 31:15 reminds us that ‘my times are in Your hands’. The difficult topics of abortion and euthanasia arouse much controversy these days, but the Christian view is that all life comes from God and belongs to God, so that life is given dignity and purpose, even when we cannot see His purposes. We cannot presume to stand in the place of God, either by claiming we know which lives should not be born or by claiming we have the right to end life.

God the Holy Spirit is the creator and sustainer of life. May we have confidence in His providence and learn to trust in His unfailing love.