Tonight, after a summer break, our mid-week meetings resume with the prayer meeting starting at 7.30 p.m. It is crucial to the health of a church that we join together regularly in prayer and that we make the most of this opportunity to come together and pray. We are urged to put on our spiritual armour and learn to pray in the Spirit on all occasions (see Eph 6:10-16); Jesus warned His disciples to ‘watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.’ (Matt 26:41) We need to learn to persist in prayer, not giving up when we do not see answers instantaneously, but pressing on: ‘Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.‘ (Matt 7:7-8)

It’s always good to begin a new season of prayer with thanksgiving, remembering the many kindnesses of God (see Ps 106:7). Yesterday, I was given a vivid reminder of God’s faithfulness and kindness to us. My son started work at Sheffield University a few years ago and we rejoiced at God’s provision of a job he found interesting and fulfilling. Within months, however, he began having difficulties, with his line manager constantly criticising his work and telling him he was not, effectively, ‘cutting the mustard.’ There followed a long series of ‘tests’ to see if his work would improve and a period of deep unhappiness at work. We prayed for a peaceful resolution of this situation, trusting God to work, though it seemed nothing happened for a very long time. About a year ago, his line manager was changed out of the blue (a very unusual situation at the university) and things began to improve. Yesterday, he received the written report from his annual review, and it was amazing to see the difference! His new line manager affirmed his valuable contribution to the department, recognised his hard work and said that on completion of his current training, he should receive the promotion he has been asking for. We are so grateful to God for His faithfulness and kindness. It is sometimes hard to wait for God to move, not to retaliate when we are criticised unfairly, and to believe that God is working behind the scenes, but we are more than grateful to God for His answers to prayer.

Come along and pray! There is so much we long to see God do in our communities and churches, but He is waiting for us to seek His face. See you tonight at 7.30 p.m.