Dave spoke this morning from Luke 23:39-43 about the penitent thief, crucified alongside Jesus. Many consider his salvation an affront since he could do nothing but believe in Jesus, but this incident shows us the mercy and compassion of the Lord and how while there is breath in our bodies, it’s not too late to be saved.

One of the thieves hurled insults at Jesus, but here we see that there can be grace in the unlikeliest of places. Like Saul, who persecuted the church but met with Jesus to become the apostle Paul, God steps in in miraculous ways to soften the other thief’s heart. He confesses his sin and the sinlessness of Christ, recognising that Christ’s death was unjust. His healthy fear of God means he suddenly recognises that he has blasphemed God and violated God’s laws. As he reaches out to Jesus, Jesus promises that he will be with Him in paradise. Forgiveness and restoration are freely offered to him and he is saved.

This incident often offends those who feel that ‘death-bed conversions’ make a mockery of God. The truth is we are all saved by grace through faith, and this is itself God’s gift to us. (Eph 2:8-10) We cannot save ourselves and need the mercy, grace, forgiveness and kindness of God, no matter when we become Christians. Even while dying, Jesus cared about this man’s eternal destiny; He cares so much about our world still. Jude 1:22-23 says, ‘Be merciful to those who doubt; save others by snatching them from the fire; to others show mercy, mixed with fear…’ May we speak God’s offer of forgiveness and hope to all we meet.