In John 4, we see the story of how a conversation with Jesus can not only transform the life of an individual, but how that individual can then reach out to a whole community. Telling the story of what Jesus has done for us and inviting others to come and see are all vital parts of living out faith.

The woman in the story was shunned by her society because she did not live according to the rules, and no doubt this was not only personally difficult for her but also left her feeling both shame and resentment. Yet when she realised that Jesus was the Messiah, the one sent by God, she did not keep this news to herself. She did not let resentment prevent her from wanting others to know Jesus too. Often, we hold back from speaking of Jesus to other people out of fear but sometimes also (like Jonah) because we think they don’t deserve the good news or to be forgiven. When we truly realise what Jesus has done for us, though, this becomes a greater motivator to share the good news with everyone. Knowing that we are forgiven sets us free to live a life of forgiveness and to want others to know this forgiveness too.