Read Ps 119:49-56.

The world is divided, we are told, into two camps: the haves and the have-nots. Whilst there is truth in this statement (and our support of the Salvation Army Christmas Appeal seeks to give to those in need), the world is also divided spiritually: those who believe in God and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and those who don’t (see John 3:16-21, 1 John 2:22-23). The psalmist struggles with issues concerning good and evil: ‘indignation grips me because of the wicked who have forsaken Your law.’ (Ps 119:53) We, too, wrestle with questions of evil and suffering, but are preserved by God’s Word (Ps 119:50).

God’s Word gives us comfort and hope (Ps 119:49-50), enabling us to cope with mocking and endless baiting from the arrogant who think they know it all (Ps 119:51). Remembering God’s laws helps to focus us on right paths (‘treasuring Your revelation’, Ps 119:55, The Message) and thus we can ‘walk through a rain of derision because [we] live by Your Word and counsel.’ (Ps 119:56, The Message).

Our response to God’s word spoken in Jesus will determine how we live on earth and our eternal destiny. (John 3:36) We need to hold on to the revelation God has given and keep walking in His ways.

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