Communication in any relationship is essential, as these quotes show:


Part of good communication lies in the dissemination of information. If we don’t know what’s going on, how can we communicate well?

At church, there are a number of ways we try to communicate information. The ‘boring notices’ are not the most exciting way of keeping people informed about things, but they are crucial to letting people in the building know what is happening. Sometimes we prepare newsletters and Power Points if there is a lot of information to take in. This method only works with the people who are in church at a particular time and who listen, however!

This blog on the church website is another way of disseminating information and I try to keep this up-to-date so people know what is happening. This is especially useful if things happen during the week between meetings and is also a way of giving ‘thought for the day’ type information.

We also have a church Facebook page  for those of you who like social media and have just set up a Facebook page specifically about the India trip, on which we hope to post updates and photos while we are in India. We have also set up a church Facebook prayer page, but this is a closed group so that prayer requests can be confidential. If you would like to be added to this list, please see Garry. This page needs to be used sensitively and items posted there will be confidential, for prayer only.

In addition to this, we have a prayer chain at church which telephones prayer requests to people, so if you are not on Facebook, don’t worry! – you can still pray!

There are doubtless many other ways of disseminating information, and if you have suggestions as to how we can improve this, please do let us know. The most important things we can do to help communication are to keep the channels of communication open, to listen carefully and to respond graciously.