This evening at our Little Big Church service we discovered some facts about the Bible through a treasure hunt, including the fact that the word itself means ‘books’ and that there are actually 66 books in the Bible (39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New.) We learned a song to help us remember all 66 books in order and talked about the importance of daily Bible reading (this applies to adults as well as children!)

Routines are so important in our lives, and just as we make time to brush our teeth, wash, eat and get dressed every day, so we must make time to read God’s word and allow its light to guide us in all we do. It doesn’t matter so much when we do this (though to do so in the morning allows each day to start with God!) as that we do it. The Bible can seem confusing and intimidating at times, but if we use a Bible reading plan (such as the Bible In One Year plan by Nicky and Pippa Gumbel) or Bible reading notes (such as ‘Daily Bread’ or ‘Every Day With Jesus’), this can help us to tackle ALL the Bible, and not just the parts we like!

Finding a Bible version we understand is easier than ever before (after all, most of us do not know Hebrew or Greek and cannot read the Bible in its original languages, so it’s essential we find a version we can understand.) We can read the Bible on our phones or listen to audio Bibles if we find reading difficult. Whatever method we use, it’s essential to hide God’s word in our hearts so that we do not sin (Ps 119:11) and can live the way God wants us to.