Life can often feel like a quicksand; the more we strive to reach solid ground, the less secure we feel. Ps 125:1 reminds us that those who trust in God are like Mount Zion which cannot be shaken. Our trust in God ultimately helps us to be lifted from the slimy pit, the mud and the mire, and placed on solid ground (see Ps 40:1). God’s intention is for us to be steadfast and immovable. Paul reminded the Corinthians ‘stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain.’ (1 Cor 15:58)

The hymn reminds us that ‘on Christ the solid rock I stand/ All other ground is sinking sand.’  (You can listen to a modern version of this here.) Jesus reminded us that we have to be careful about building our lives on solid foundations (see Matt 7:24-27), but there are times when it feels we cannot help but sink. In those times, the ‘four Ls’ remind us of strategies for coping with difficult circumstances:

1. Look beyond yourself and your circumstances – look up to God (see Col 3:1-2). Looking down or looking around never solves any problems.

2. Let your mind focus on the greatness of God – we often tend to focus on the size of our problems, but need to keep a right view of God as sovereign and almighty if we are to resist sinking under.

3. Listen to God – not to the many other voices clamouring for our attention. Listening is never a passive art, for we must also believe God’s promises and act on them (‘standing on the promises of Christ my Saviour’). James reminds us that we must not be simply hearers of the word, but doers.(James 1:19-25) We need to act on God’s promises and hold fast to them.

4. Live with a total conviction that Jesus Christ is Lord – acknowledging His supremacy, sovereignty and security. This may well mean holding on in faith, for so often our visible circumstances do not match what our faith tells us. Ultimately, we are not called to accept Christ as Saviour; we are called to make Him Lord of our lives and He then saves us, rescues us and delivers us. If our lives are built on solid rock, we will not sink.