Despite our beach games at Scarborough yesterday, most of us were rather surprised when Stephen told us we were all bursting with energy and passion, were athletic, strong and courageous at this morning’s meeting at Cherry Tree Court! Was he looking at the same congregation we could see?! Was he blind?!

In talking from 1 Cor 9:24-27, Stephen ultimately was talking about spiritual fitness: how life is compared to a race which must be run by us all. We need focus and determination in this race of life, a single-minded pursuit of the crown of life which God has reserved for those who love Him (James 1:12). Spiritual disciplines are necessary – we have to learn to pray and seek God and to throw off everything that hinders us (see Heb 12:1-3). In an ordinary race, there can be many competitors but only one winner, but in this race of life, what matters is completion, finishing well (2 Tim 4:7). We don’t have to run in isolation or in competition with others, for each of us has a purpose, a route, a course to run and we can all receive a crown of glory which will never perish or fade like the laurel crowns awarded to runners in Paul’s time. (1 Pet 1:4) Let’s get running!