The benefits of singing are well-known. Apparently the physical benefits include:
Singing strengthens the immune system. …
Singing is a workout. …
Singing improves your posture. …
Singing helps with sleep. …
Singing is a natural anti-depressant. …
Singing lowers stress levels. …
Singing improves mental alertness. …
Singing can widen your circle of friends…
Even in these days of social isolation, people have been singing – there are lovely videos of people singing from their balconies in Italy (you can see them here) and virtual choirs (where people sing where they are and are connected with others through technology) have been set up. I believe it’s crucially important that God’s people continue to sing, wherever we are, and am grateful for the Christian artists who are livestreaming their songs and helping us to have truth to sing at this desperately confusing time.
We’re hoping to include singing in our next Sunday services, and though it will feel very weird singing alone to you (and you singing alone back!), we hope that people will see the benefits of actually singing during our online gatherings.
Ps 32:7 says, ‘You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.’ At this time of ‘hiding away’, our prayer is that we know God as our ultimate hiding place, that He will protect us from the current troubles and surround us with songs of deliverance. Our God reigns. Our God is sovereign over all. Our God is with us and for us. Let’s keep singing these truths: ‘sing it out loud, sing it out strong!’ (‘Celebrate’, Rend Collective)