The Lent period is the 40 days before Easter when traditionally Christians look at the Easter story in all its magnificence and complexity and prepare their hearts for the life-changing events which the death and resurrection of Jesus represent. Often, this period is associated with ‘giving up’ something (caffeine or chocolate, for example) in order to concentrate attention and devotion to God. This is not a negative experience; on the contrary, it’s often necessary to give up something in order to make room for something new, as any householder can tell you! (You need to de-clutter before new furniture arrives, for example.)

Lent starts this year on Wednesday 2nd March and we will be starting Lent Bible studies on Friday 4th March, looking at the themes of repentance, forgiveness, hope, trust, sacrifice, love and change and using Bible readings from a book by Sally Welch called ‘Sharing The Easter Story.’ This book encourages us to read the Bible each day, giving us specific readings which encourage us to listen to God’s word, help us to understand it, reflect on it, absorb its truths and then share these truths with other people so that we ‘become the story we reflect upon, live and share.’

Our six Bible study sessions will start at 11.45 a.m. each Friday with a light lunch and will finish about 1.15 p.m. On Good Friday, our service and study will be at 5 p.m. when we will again start with a shared meal. Over these weeks we hope to deepen our appreciation of the Easter story and help each other to live out this story in our everyday lives throughout the year. Please see Julie if you wish to attend; the book will be provided beforehand so that you can begin readings on Ash Wednesday.