We left David in 2 Samuel 11 in a sorry place, having sinned greatly against the Lord through deceit, lies, adultery and murder. What he had done displeased the Lord, and so God sent the prophet Nathan to confront David about his sin. Perhaps we would have talked about bad behaviour and crimes, but Nathan is aware that this is sin, and it demonstrates a lack of respect for God above all. He is fearless in tackling the problem, quite unlike our modern tendency to try to cover things up and pretend there is nothing wrong.

Nathan’s methodology, however, intrigues us, for he tells a story about a man and sheep. Perhaps he knew that this would catch the attention of David, a former shepherd, but as David burns against the injustice in this story, Nathan connects it forcibly to David’s own behaviour. Stories often pierce our defences because they seem so innocent, but their sting is to reveal our own nature to ourselves. David is humbled, seeing how he has behaved arrogantly and with no thought for God, as his great psalms of repentance indicate (Ps 51, Ps 32.)

The good news in 2 Samuel 12 is that sin doesn’t have to have the last word. Grace, mercy, compassion and forgiveness have the greater place in David’s life. We see this at the end of the chapter, when a second child is born to David and Bathsheba, named Solomon, but given the name ‘Jedidiah’ (‘loved by the Lord’) through the prophet Nathan. There can be new beginnings and second chances because of God’s forgiveness and grace.