Our heart for 2016 is to see many people saved. When the Philippian jailer asked Paul and Silas what he had to do to be saved, their reply was succinct: ‘Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved – you and your household.’ (Acts 16:31) Our longing for this year is for it to be a YIELD YEAR, a year when God brings salvation to many, including our households – family members who do not know the Lord or who have wandered away from Him. We long to see people bow the knee to Jesus, surrendering their hopes, fears and lives to Him and reaping the lavish gift of eternal life He bestows freely to all who believe.

Let’s pray for salvation to come to many: to our family members (we want to see parents, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces, cousins, step-parents, step-children and everyone else worshipping and serving the Lord), to our neighbours, to our friends and acquaintances, work colleagues, and to our community. Let’s pray for salvation to come to all who set foot in our building as they feel and recognise the presence of God. Let’s pray for salvation to come to all we meet, that God will give us boldness in witness and wisdom in sharing the gospel and that He will be pleased to reveal Himself to many. We know it’s God’s will for people to be saved (see 2 Pet 3:9) and we long to be faithful ambassadors and willing co-workers with God in this precious task of reconciliation (see 2 Cor 5:17-21).

‘There is no limit to Your power
There is no stopping what You plan
You give us faith to move the mountains
And hope to dream again
We see the fires of revival
 The darkness giving way to light
The glory of Your grace advancing
Let it burn up the night
Let the walls come down in Jesus’ name
Let the lost be found in Jesus’ name
Let the church arise
To shine Your light to theworld
Your house forever undivided
All Your sons and daughters one
At the cross, we are united
Our hope is in the blood
Salvation’s tide is rising
As all Your people seek Your face
Your life, a river flowing
To wash our sin and shame away.’ (‘Salvation’s Tide’, Passion)
rising tide