Despite being the 2nd Sunday of the month, tonight was our family service, looking at the theme of ‘Royal Rulers’. This Sunday is the celebration of Epiphany, traditionally associated with the arrival of the Magi. It is not certain if these were ‘kings’ as some of the carols imply, but certainly, they came to worship one ‘born king of the Jews.’ (Matt 2:2)

God’s plan for Israel was that He should be their king, ruling over them in justice and guiding them through the prophets. There came a time, however, when the elders of Israel summoned Samuel and demanded a human king so they could be like all the other nations. (1 Sam 8:4-5) Samuel was hugely disappointed by this request, but God warned the people of the consequences of this demand (it’s sometimes not wise to have God grant us all we ask!) Of the many kings of Israel, a relatively small number were godly and the people suffered from the selfishness and cruelty of many of the human rulers they appointed.

Is 9:6-7 reminds us that God is the only royal ruler we need: the government will be on His shoulders and He will reign on David’s throne for ever. This prophecy, fulfilled in the arrival of Jesus, reminds us that we serve a King who is the King of all Kings (see Rev 19:16). Despite the majesty and magnificence of the Godhead, however, He seeks to welcome us into His presence, asking us to open the door of our lives to Him so that He can rule in each one of us. (Rev 3:20) Jesus is the King who leads through servanthood, shedding His own precious blood to save us from our sins.
