At the service at Cherry Tree Court this morning, Garry spoke from Ps 18:25-31 about the perfection of God’s ways. In the Message version, Ps 18:30-31 says What a God! His road stretches straight and smooth. Every God-direction is road-tested. Everyone who runs toward him makes it.’ We can be sure that God’s way is perfect, without flaws and is straight and smooth.

When Garry first got a SatNav, he used it on what should have been a perfectly straightforward journey up the A1 to Amble in Northumberland.

A1 signEn route, the SatNav urged us to leave the A1 earlier than we had anticipated, which seemed to  make no sense. Heeding its advice, we were taken on minor roads and even through a farmer’s land… thus avoiding the accident on the A1 which meant there was no progress at all following that route. On that occasion, we had to trust the directions of the SatNav because we were on unfamiliar territory. In the same way, we have to trust God’s directions for our life, for He can see much further ahead than we can.

Adverts are biased, because they are produced by the manufacturers and have an ulterior motive behind them (urging us to buy the required product.) We are more likely to be influenced by the less biased recommendations of friends, people whose opinions we really value. The Bible urges us to ‘taste and see that the Lord is good’ (Ps 34:8) and we have the testimony of all the Biblical heroes (and also of people we know today) who assure us of God’s trustworthiness and reliability. We need to trust God to lead us even when we are unsure of the direction in which we are travelling, for He knows the way better than we do and cares for us in every detail of our lives.