Ps 132 remembers how David brought the ark of the covenant back to Jerusalem (see 2 Sam 6) and David’s obedience and God’s blessings. David fulfilled the vows he made to God, as we are all encouraged to do (Eccl 5:5). Initially, the situation did not go well, for they did not carry the ark as they were supposed to and God’s anger burned against Uzzah as he touched the sacred ark. When the ark was actually brought into Jerusalem, it was carried as it should have been in the first place and David danced joyfully before God wearing only a linen ephod. (2 Sam 6:14-15).

The psalm does not just focus on David’s vows, however, but reminds us that God made vows to David and to Israel: ‘I will bless her with abundant provisions; her poor I will satisfy with food.’ (Ps 132:15) God’s salvation and rescue from enemies down through the ages propels us into hope that this will again be our story and our song: I will clothe her priests with salvation, and her faithful people will ever sing for joy.’ (Ps 132:16) We have a hope that the ‘horn’ (a sign of strength in ancient times) will continue to give us strength, that Jesus, the anointed one and Light of the World (John 8:12) will enable us to be the light of the world (Matt 5:14). We have a hope that the enemy will ultimately be seen to be defeated, for Jesus has said that it is finished and the book of Revelation makes it plain that Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. (Rev 19:6) God makes many promises to us and Paul reminds us that we can be sure these are ‘yes’ in Christ Jesus (2 Cor 1:20-22, see also Heb 6:16-20).

standing on the promises of GodPs 132 is a psalm all about promises: the promises we make, the promises God makes. It’s a psalm all about faithfulness: our faithfulness in keeping our vows, God’s faithfulness in keeping His. It’s a psalm about obedience, about the blessing we enter into as we obey God. We can learn much that will help us on life’s journey as we study the past.