Garry went on to remind us not only of the promises God made to Noah (every time we see a rainbow, we are reminded of the covenant God made with Noah never to flood the earth again) but the promises He has made to us too. In John 14:25-27, we read that Jesus promised His disciples peace, a peace that is not limited or temporary. We have to let this peace rule in our hearts, though (Col 3:15); we have to put on the armour of God (including the helmet of salvation to guard our thinking) because we have an enemy whom Jesus described as a thief and a liar. The devil’s purpose is to steal, kill and destroy (see John 8:44, John 10), and we are in a battle against him, but it’s a battle we can win. God does not lie and therefore we do not have to be dismayed. As Jeremy Camp puts it, ‘what the Lord gives, the world can’t take away.’ (‘Can’t Take Away‘)
Often, we are told that the world is in a terrible state because of man’s actions. It is good to act responsibly in caring for our planet, but we must also understand that God is in control of the world and has a responsibility to keep His promises too. We can have confidence ultimately in the promises of God because the one who makes promises has the power to keep them.