Dave spoke from John 4:39-42 on the power of the Samaritan woman’s testimony. Earlier in the year, he spoke from Prov 11:30, reminding us that he who wins souls is wise. In this passage in John 4, we see Jesus cutting through social conventions in travelling through Samaria  and addressing a woman, taking the initiative in reaching out to one who had been shunned by many for her colourful lifestyle. Jesus started the conversation by talking about something eminently practical (asking for a drink of water at a well), but through his personal knowledge of the woman’s situation, he went on to talk of spiritual matters and revealed His identity to her. The woman’s response was startling. Leaving the jar behind, she went back into the village to communicate with the people she had previously tried to avoid, to share with them the fact that this man she had just met ‘told me everything I did. Could this be the Messiah?’

Jesus is still in the business of seeking those who are lost and giving them a new life. Because she testified about Him, others came to Jesus to see for themselves. Personal testimony remains one of the most powerful forms of witness. When God is moving in our lives and the Holy Spirit is bringing people across our paths, we can be sure that our words will have an impact greater than we could ever imagine. We have to be willing to share our testimony, simply telling others about what God has done in our lives. It’s not all down to evangelists: God wants us to share with others so that they have the opportunity to come and see for themselves what God has done and can do.