A mental health blog to which I subscribe sent this email today, which I think has encouragement for us all.

“Hope dawns with a sense of what is possible.


Then experience and naysayers work their dark arts, and often two simple letters are added to that possibility: I and m:


This is where most people stall and stop.

But there is magic in movement and in punctuation.

Keep the lessons learned from impossibility thinking – it’s a phase we all go through – but move your perspective.

“It’s just a jump to the left!”

Move your I and m a couple of spaces to the left, and a new kind of possibility emerges.

Add an apostrophe and you’ll avert a catastrophe:


Shift Happens!

Shift happens, folks! It happens first between our ears in that marvellous muscle called your brain. And it takes some muscle to move the I and m to the left, and then to pull in that apostrophe that averts the catastrophe.

Here’s a muscle building question for you:

“I know what you want is impossible, but if it was possible, how could you make this work for you?”‘ (Lex, A Moodscope member)

Even if we know things are impossible for us, however, we need to meditate on Matt 19:26 and Jer 32:7. The impossible is Him-possible.