Dave spoke this morning from John 14:27 this morning at Cherry Tree Court about the peace Jesus promised to leave His disciples. In this passage, He was bidding farewell to His disciples, for He knew that crucifixion awaited Him, but despite the coming pain and suffering, Jesus knew peace and was able to promise a peace that does not depend on favourable circumstances.

We desperately need access to a peace that is not dependent on external circumstances (which inevitably will vary) but which can last through turmoil and trouble. True peace – shalom! – is more than an absence of fear or anxiety, however; it is a wholeness that comes from being at peace with God. Jesus did not simply plaster over the wounds of mankind, but suffered on the cross to remove the problem of sin once and for all.

The world has no true answer to sin and turmoil, offering sedatives and medication or a ‘pull-yourself-together’ attitude. Jesus cures the problem and therefore gives us peace with God which cannot be disturbed by adversity or trials.
