Mark Burgin spoke this morning from Matt 6:25-34 about the need to live ‘one day at a time, sweet Jesus’ (in the words of the old song.) We can often spend much time making plans, but in this passage, Jesus tells us ‘do not worry about tomorrow.’ Each day has enough trouble of its own, and we do well not to take on additional worries from other days.We can easily get distracted about tomorrow and can even be obsessed with what will happen, to the detriment of enjoying today! The Lord’s Prayer reminds us that we ask God for our daily bread, what we need for today. God provides for our daily needs.

Todays society seems very selfish, with everyone thinking about themselves (‘you’ve got to look after number 1′.) We spend time saving and storing for tomorrow, but tomorrow is not guaranteed for anyone. Luke 12:16-21 reminds us of this truth, for the fool in that parable kept on building bigger barns and was not prepared to meet his Maker. Money is not able to buy us a guaranteed future; Ps 118;24 reminds us that we should rejoice in today, for the present is God’s gift to us. Life can seem a battle, but we are required to work in the today that God has given us and then we can be amazed at what can be achieved with God.