Our family service quiz tested our memories and recognition skills as we had to recognise and remember animals and words in a sequence!

IMG_2848There were, of course, prizes to be won.

IMG_2850 IMG_2851 IMG_2852Stephen then spoke about networks. When we talk about being online, we think of a computer connected to the Internet by a modem, but computers can be networked so that there can be communication between them (seen in office and school situations, for example.) The kind of connections we need as people, however, are fundamentally personal networks whereby we are connected to God and to other people.

Typical networks include friends, family and church. Friends are incredibly important in life; the mutual affection we have is deepened by shared experiences and personal tastes. We are bound to family through blood ties, and church is God’s idea for networking with people! All these networks demonstrate synergy, whereby the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

All of us can have a direct connection to God through prayer and God is connected to us through the Bible and the Holy Spirit. We need to make the most of our connections! – with friends, with family (being reconciled to estranged members if required), with church and with God. As we meditate on God’s Word, pray and seek to do God’s will in His way, we will be connected with God and with people. Let’s stay connected!