Stephen spoke tonight on the feeding of the five thousand, one of the many miracles performed by Jesus when He was on earth. After a busy day of prayer and ministry, Jesus’s disciples were ready to send the crowds away to eat, but Jesus gave them the challenge, ‘You give them something to eat.’ (Luke 9:13) This seemed an impossible task, given they only had five loaves of bread and two fishes, but Jesus took this offering (one boy’s lunch, according to John 6:9), prayed to His Father and blessed the food before breaking it and asking HIs disciples to distribute it.

The fact that this small amount of food fed not only five thousand men but also the women and children present and there were twelve baskets of leftovers tells us this was a miracle, beyond natural explanation. When we pray, God often answers in miraculous ways. He can do amazing things as we pray, though we need to let Him do the work!

Our loaves and fishes were made out of chocolate and did seem to go much further than we expected!