Fredrick and Reeba from Bangalore, whose ministries we support as a church, are with us this weekend. Come along on Sunday morning (10.30 a.m.) to hear Fredrick bring the word of God to us and on Sunday evening (6 p.m.) to hear about their ongoing work in Bangalore and other parts of India as we celebrate ‘God’s Wonderful World’ in our family service. Reeba leads the Tailoring Empowerment Programme which helps women to learn to sew and thus to acquire a skill which can help to support them and their families and Fredrick is busy with many church ministries, including giving talking bibles to those who cannot read.

On Wednesday 16th May there is the ‘Churches Together’ prayer meeting at the Salvation Army at 10.30 a.m. Join with Christians from other churches to pray for our communities and outreaches.

On Saturday 19th May we are having our church Annual General Meeting at 6 p.m. Come along to discuss the work of the church and to look back over the past year and ahead to all God has planned for us. Please do join with us if you can.

The postponed Dinosaur Day will be on Sunday 20th May (12 noon – 4 p.m.) after the morning service, at Phoenix Park, Thurnscoe. Parking is limited on the street there, but please do come along to support this BIg Local Thurnscoe event. Local churches will be involved in crafts and digging for ‘fossils’ as well as giving out 3D printed dinosaurs and pens and leaflets. We see this as a way of connecting with our local communities and having lots of dinosaur fun!

Throughout May and June, the Tesco stores in Wath and Bolton-on-Dearne will be running their ‘Bags of Help’ scheme to support local projects including the Dearne Community Arts’ Festival. If you shop there, it would be great if you could use the blue tokens for this project as this helps to secure funding for the festival. This community event will be on Friday 31st August and Saturday 1st September at Dearne ALC and the programme is looking exciting – lots of local people exhibiting artwork, photographs, crafts, woodwork and so on and performances in music, dance and drama as well as workshops for all the family, including circus skills, crafts and creative writing. The Tesco scheme is only for May and June, however, so please do support us if you can.