Nicky Gumbel says in today’s ‘Bible In One Year’ readings, looking at David’s kindness to Mephibosheth (2 Samuel 9), ‘kindness is love in work clothes.’

Work clothes can look very different, according to the job one has. Some work clothes are formal and smart (a business man in a suit and tie, for example); some involve uniforms (nurses and doctors.) But quite often, work clothes are just ordinary, and can even be somewhat dishevelled and dirty. They may well not look anything special.

Kindness is best seen in our ordinary, everyday lives. ‘Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly and most under-rated agent of human change,’ he goes on to say. ‘When kindness is expressed, healthy relationships are created, community connections are nourished and peoiple are inspired to pass on kindness.’

Kindness is possible because God is kind: the Hebrew word hesed describes his loving kindness, mercy and grace. Though He is exalted, He looks kindly on the lowly (Ps 138:6). It is a fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22) and evidence of God’s nature within us. It does not require great intelligence or money; it simply requires a heart willing to do good to others. As we put on God’s clothing today, let’s put on kindness and in our everyday actions show God’s kindness to others.