The snapshot of photos from this past years hopefully triggers memories of some of the things we have shared together as a church. Family services have explored a variety of themes, from the present swapshop in January (where we considered the royal exchange God offers us, giving us beauty for ashes and eternal life in place of our sinfulness) to the shepherds and sheep in the Christmas story in December. In between, we learnt new songs (‘A Fair Exchange Is No Robbery’, ‘Are You A Wall or a Windmill?’, ‘A Place In The Son’) and learnt a variety of crafts (making shepherd’s staffs, windmills and doves) as well as learning about different landmarks and other interesting facts and figures!

Sermons throughout the year have focussed on the songs of ascent (Ps 120-135), the story of Joseph, revival, prayer, the ‘Bigger Picture’ and ‘The A-Z of Christian Faith’, with Bible studies looking at (and finally finishing!) 1 Corinthians. God’s Word remains absolutely instrumental to our spiritual growth and we are grateful to all who have brought God’s word to us, including guest speakers Yan Hadley, John Brackenbury (whose sermon on ‘light-emitting disciples‘ will certainly stay with me for a long time!) and Fredrick. Garry’s ‘Talking Point’ series has looked at topical issues (such as pornography, immigration and gay marriage), seeking to find out how the Bible can help us to think through such matters from a godly point of view.

Fredrick and Reeba’s visit in November was a highlight of 2016 and we are very much looking forward to the planned mission trip to India in April 2017, the first time we as a church has sent a team abroad.

img_3688img_3703Other highlights of the year have been the ‘Churches Together’ meetings in February, May and September, with the joint community outreaches on Palm Sunday and Easter Saturday and the Christmas Market a great testimony to the power and fun of working together with other churches and community groups. We were so privileged to be invited to be part of the Palm Sunday Procession at Phoenix Park (complete with donkeys!):

dsc_0379Just as the Palm Sunday and Easter Saturday march of witness were great events, the Christmas Market was a fantastic afternoon and evening, with about 500 people joining us at some point for refreshments, crafts, activities and carol singing. We are so thankful to all that God enables us to do in serving the community, giving out goody bags with God’s word and other treats and being able to witness freely to His grace and love. The anniversary community open day in July, although hampered by poor weather, was also an opportunity to reflect on God’s faithfulness over the past 6 years in this building and to think about what the church really is:

img_3026 img_3029 img_3030In addition to the ‘special events’, though, church life continues in many ways that cannot really be measured or evaluated easily. People serve faithfully every week at coffee mornings, the Monday night youth club and at the Parent & Toddler group and in teaching children on Sundays. People join together in prayer and fellowship throughout the week, playing badminton on Friday nights as well. In countless ways, people serve others through their faithful witness, kindness, love and support. We are so grateful to be able to support the Salvation Army food bank throughout the year and it was a privilege to raise £730.56 for the Christmas appeal at the Christmas market and be able to wrap presents bought with this money this past week as well as supporting the Macmillan Coffee morning earlier in the year. We are also especially grateful for our links with the community, especially in holding monthly services at Cherry Tree Court and in working with groups such as Coalfields Regeneration Trust and Dearne hOurbank. We are thankful too for the many groups which use our building (Slimming World, Dearne StayFit, an autism group and a badminton group being the regulars); as Dave is fond of saying, ‘the building is used every day of the week for something or other!’

This year has seen new people join our family, with Joan’s word that God will bring people from the north, east, south and west being partially fulfilled as a couple has recently moved from Selby and another lady is joining us from Croydon! We love seeing the family grow as babies are born and were thrilled to hold a dedication service for Tatijana in March. This photo of four generations at the Parent & Toddler group in May is also poignant and a reminder of God’s faithfulness to families.


Two things have perhaps been very different this year. Firstly, the plans to send eight people on a mission trip to India are shaping up nicely, and this represents a real step of faith for all involved, including all of us who are praying for God to bless and stretch our faith. Secondly, we are praying for the land next to the church to become available to extend our car park and add an outdoor area for use by the church and community groups using the building. Whilst this may seem an impossible dream (the land has apparently been sold for flats, but Stuart, the shopkeeper currently there, assures us he is working behind the scenes to get the land for us!), we are confident that God is able to work all things together for good and are looking forward to seeing how this works out in 2017!

Looking back reminds us always of God’s faithfulness and presence. There have been tough times for many people this year – illness, bereavement, decisions to move, changes in jobs and so on – but God remains worthy of praise.

‘Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise;
    his greatness no one can fathom.
One generation commends your works to another;
    they tell of your mighty acts.
They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty—
    and I will meditate on your wonderful works.
They tell of the power of your awesome works—
    and I will proclaim your great deeds.
They celebrate your abundant goodness
    and joyfully sing of your righteousness.’ (Ps 145:3-7)