Preachers are keen to make key points (often using headings or alliteration or other techniques to give people somethng they can easily remember) so that those listening can take hold of what they hear and not let this disappear through their hands like sand.

Peter’s sermon following the healing of a lame man (Acts 3:11-26) has three key points we would do well to remember:

1. Don’t look at us!

2. Look at Jesus!

3. Do Something About What I’ve Said!

We need to ensure that we deflect attention away from us and make sure people are looking at Jesus. Salvation is found in Him alone. We need to learn from Jesus who only did what He saw the Father doing (see John 5:19, 30; John 8:28; John 6:38) As John the Baptist reminds us, He (Jesus) must become greater and we must become less. (John 3:30) It’s only as Jesus is lifted up that men will be drawn to Him (John 12:32). It’s all too easy to talk about church and church activities, but we need to tell people what Jesus has done for each one of us. When God does amazing things, as He did with this healing, we must be careful not to take credit for it, but to give God the glory (Acts 3:12-15)

We must also ensure that people realise there is a consequence to what Jesus has done; there is a response required from each one of us. We are not dealing in historical fact alone or in interesting moral dilemmas. Peter was blunt about the people’s role in the death of Christ and about their need to repent and turn to God. We need to have the same courage so that we make people aware of the need to choose.