This evening Dave spoke from Luke 12:13-21 with the title ‘Just Another Day.’ So many days seem ordinary to us but actually turn out to be significant. Noah, for example, was told to build a boat to prepare for rains and no one seemed to take any notice of what he said, but on just another day, the rains did indeed come. David was just an ordinary shepherd boy when he was anointed by Samuel; his life was ever changed by that encounter.
The rich man in this parable was probably looking forward to a prosperous and fulfilling life, but after his hard work in building a barn, God stepped in and tdeath called. We cannot afford to take any day for granted, but must understand that when God steps into our ‘ordinary’ days, we and those around us will be changed. God’s intervention in our ordinary days makes all the difference, but we must be prepared for the end of our lives at every point. The chasm between us and God has been bridged by Jesus, so we can be ready for His call at any point. We might think this is ‘just another day’, but God may well think differently.