Col 3:16 urges us to let the word of Christ dwell in us richly and indicates that this can be done through a variety of means, including teaching and admonishing one another and singing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. Singing is a very powerful way of getting God’s word into our hearts (the psalms were intended to be sung and many modern songs are actually simply words from the Psalms set to music) and also of declaring God’s word aloud. Songs can also be powerful prayers, for we need to open our hearts to God and ask Him to reveal more of Himself to us and to mould us and use us as He sees fit. ‘Here I Am’ by Jeremy Camp (echoing Isaiah’s words in Is 6:8) is a song which articulates for me many of the prayers I find in my heart at this present time. Never think that Christian songs are simply time-fillers, ways to make a service last longer, or that they are of no importance in our daily living. In the truths they proclaim and in the prayers they articulate, they are powerful words which can help us to grow in Christ and help us to be rooted and grounded in the word of God.

‘You are waiting for us to move.
There is so much more
Deeper than I’ve ever known and known before.
When we draw near
I see the mysteries of who You are.
Reveal my heart to be renewed
Until nothing’s left but You,
Only You.

Here I am.
Falling to my knees I’m crying out again.
Jesus, take me deeper than I’ve ever been.
Lord, here I am:
All of me reaching to the places that I cannot see;
Desperately, I need You to know me
Here I am.

You are waiting for me to see
All of who You are.
God, You are so patient with me
Day after day.
Come. living water, let me drink from Your amazing grace.
Reveal my heart to be renewed
Until nothing’s left but You,
Only You.

Let the things of earth lose their hold on me.
Let Your river flow, You are breaking me free
I will lift my hands in Your presence, God,
Make me like You are.

Here I am,
Everything surrendered.
I am Yours
Nothing else that matters,
Laying down every one of my fears ,
God, won’t You
God, won’t You move me?
Here I am ‘ (‘Here I Am’, Jeremy Camp)