On Sunday, we had our ‘family service’, usually held on the first Sunday of the month. The format of this meeting is even more relaxed than usual and we usually have a series of games and quizzes as well as worship and the Word.

The theme this month was ‘the hand of God’, and for one of the quizzes, we had to look at photographs of hands and guess whose they were. It’s not as easy to recognise a person when all you can see if a photo of their hands!

Here are some of the hands:

So… how are you doing with the guessing? It was interesting to see how quickly some people guessed (Gary guessed Stephen’s straightaway, with the comment ‘well, I see his hands playing guitar in front of me every week, so that was easy’) and how long it took with others! There were all kinds of clues: rings, nails, jewellery… But it was surprising how hard it was to recognise a person from their hands alone.

The Bible teaches that God knows every part of us and that He created us; He knit us together in our mother’s womb (Ps 139:13) and we are ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’ (Ps 139:14) It teaches us that even the hairs on our head are numbered by God (Luke 12:7). It is good to celebrate the individual uniqueness of each person in our congregation!

Answers coming soon!