‘You are good and what You do is good.’ (Ps 119:68)

Over the years, I have found this one of the most challenging and reassuring verses in the whole Bible. It’s challenging to me because so much that happens in our world is not good, and it’s very easy to be swayed by people who declare ‘if your God is so good, why does He allow…?’ before going on to list a whole host of horrendous suffering and evil (and it can be easy to feel swamped by suffering and evil), but it’s reassuring to me because it teaches us something totally fundamental about God’s nature which cannot be altered.

God is good. He is a good, good Father. ‘It’s who You are… and I’m loved by You; it’s who I am.’ The lyrics of this song by Pat Barrett and Tony Brown, sung here by Chris Tomlin, are a reminder to us that not only is God good, He wants to be in personal, close, intimate relationship with us. He is the only One who can provide us with the answers for which we search. He is perfect in all of His ways to us.

Pat Barrett and Chris Tomlin have written a children’s book based on the idea that God is a good, good Father. The book tells the story of a little bear named Tucker whose life and townspeople are forever changed when they learn just how great the King’s love is for them. When Tucker’s friends need help, he goes to see the King who lives in a castle where the door is always open.

Tucker wants to take the perfect gift to the King in hopes he will be convinced to help. Along the way, Tucker encounters a variety of humorous animals filled with advice who leave him confused about what the King is like. He doubts whether the King would be willing to help. Just as Tucker is ready to give up, he meets the King who runs to him with open arms offering love, acceptance, and help.

Children’s books and songs often contain profound truths. As we celebrate Fathers’ day today in the UK, many families don’t have the security and assurance of a good, good father and wonder, deep down, about the goodness of God. All of us, however blessed we have been in our earthly fathers, need more than any human parent can give us. Today, let’s meditate on the goodness of God. He is a good, good Father to us. He loves us unconditionally and longs to give us good and perfect gifts (James 1:17). We may not have all the answers to all the questions of life, but we can have the security of knowing we are accepted, loved and wanted by God.