Since Alison was in the building, she took the food, clothes and toys donated by church members and the community round to the Salvation Army building for distribution:

img_2837 img_2838Our thanks go to all who give so faithfully to help needy families in our local area. The Salvation Army is now busy preparing to give out Christmas food parcels which include presents for all children. The following items are needed for December:

  • UHT milk
  • Teabags
  • Coffee
  • Tinned ham
  • Tinned potatoes
  • Hot dogs
  • Meat balls
  • Tinned fruit
  • Stuffing
  • Gravy Granules
  • Mince pies
  • Christmas biscuit packs/ tins
  • Size 5 Nappies

Selection boxes have been purchased by our church and others for children for the Christmas food parcels. If you want to be more involved with this, come along to support the Christmas Market on Friday 9th December (when all proceeds inside the church community room will go to the Salvation Army Christmas Appeal) and to the Salvation Army on Tuesday 20th December from 9 a.m. – 12 noon to help wrap the presents for the parcels.