Today we looked at the fact that we are God’s elect (1 Peter 1:1-2). At the start of a new year, we can often feel uncertain and afraid of what may happen, but it is helpful to know that our identity is secure in God. Peter’s first letter was written to believers who were ‘exiles scattered throughout the provinces of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia.’ (1 Pet 1:1) To be an exile is not an identity willingly chosen, but one forced on us by circumstances, yet even in times of difficulty and persecution, Peter is adamant that we are chosen by God – not because of our talents or skills, but because of God’s mercy (see Rom 9:9-13).
The doctrines of election and predestination have been controversial throughout the years but ultimately depend on God’s foreknowledge and omniscience. This does not mean we have no personal responsibility; it can be hard to balance God’s sovereignty with human freedom, but the Bible proclaims both truths. Peter tells us we have been chosen ‘according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, to be obedient to Jesus Christ and sprinkled with his blood…’ (1 Pet 1:2) To be sanctified is to be made holy, to be set apart for God. As we allow God to work in every area of our lives by His Spirit, we are made holy to become more like God.
To be chosen is a mystery, but one which should make us rejoice! It helps us to surrender our lives to God and to live in cooperation with Him, choosing to obey His commands. (John 14:15), allowing Him to be our Teacher and Guide. We have new purpose and a new identity. We aren’t defined by our past or by our present circumstances (living as exiles scattered through persecution.) Instead, we are defined by God and what He is doing in our lives.